Nicole Scherzinger, who is due to release her latest album, Big Fat Lies , early next year, spoke in a candid interview to People recently, in which the former Pussycat Dolls star spoke about adding the final touches to her album as well as what it has meant to her.
At the beginning of the interview, Nicole revealed the fact that she has suffered from an eating disorder, in the form of bulimia, for eight years of her life.
She spoke with some candor about how the disorder affected her, sharing some inside facts about her struggle with bulimia and how that has impacted and influenced her music.
“I wasn’t enough, that I wasn’t pretty, that I was fat, and that I wasn’t worthy of more,” she said.
Fortunately for Nicole Scherzinger, she has come out of that period of her life and is now looking forward, without looking back, at a positive future.
“I’m in a different place in my life now. I feel a bit more confident and comfortable in my own skin to be able to talk about things that I hadn’t talked about before,” she added.
In talking about her new album, which by all accounts is set to be a big hit, Nicole said, “It’s a very personal album to me. It’s a transitional album, and it’s very honest and authentic.”
According to Nicole, many people will be able to relate to the truthful and deep sentiments in the new album.
“It feels good to be truthful, because not everyone’s perfect. Everyone always has these pre-conceived notions that you’re glamorous, you don’t have any problems, you don’t have any issues, and we all battle with our own issues,” she said.
For people who have struggled, like Nicole Scherzinger , from eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, there’s no doubt the album will hold special meaning for them, when it is finally released in 2015.