Breaking Bad is a popular show on AMC, about a high school chemistry teacher who turns to drug production in a (misguided?) attempt to secure his family’s future. While the show is a wildly hailed hit, it came as a shock to many parents to discover that there were toys based on it — and now some are calling for all Breaking Bad toys to be pulled from the shelves.
The petition on was started by Susan Myers, who says that Breaking Bad sets have no place in Toys ‘R’ Us or other stores that cater to children. She describes the toy that spurred her to start the petition.
“…a ‘Breaking Bad’ doll, complete with a detachable sack of cash and a bag of meth…
Myers calls for like-minded parents to sign the petition, demanding that Toys ‘R’ Us remove all Breaking Bad toys and merchandise from their shelves.
Meanwhile, on the store’s Facebook page , other parents speak out against the toy line.
“I am surprised you would sell ‘Breaking Bad’ action figures. Nothing says toys for kids like an action figure with a bag of crystal meth. I can’t wait for my 15 year to grow up like that.”
“A new low…. ‘Breaking Bad’ toys? Come on! Pull them and be done with this nonsense and have just a morsel of common sense and decency.”
Many of these posts have responses from other Facebook users, most of whom offer the suggestion of simply not buying the toys if they offend a parent’s sensibilities, but none bear a response from the toy-selling giant itself.
One of the Breaking Bad toys on the Toys ‘R’ Us website bears these lines of description.
“Jesse stands 6? tall and he comes complete with a gas mask, chili powder, and a tray of blue crystal. The whole set is discreetly packaged on a collector-friendly blister card.”
The items are all listed as being marketed to ages 15 and up, and in “collector-friendly” packaging.
The question becomes whether it is acceptable for Breaking Bad (or any morally questionable, from whichever viewpoint) toy to be available for purchase where children shop. While some parents would like the Breaking Bad line of action figures and playsets completely removed from stores, others maintain that it is the responsibility of parents to make the decision for their own children.
Do you think Breaking Bad toy sets be completely removed from shelves?
[Photo: Mezco Toys ]