19 Kids & Counting star Jill Duggar’s baby bump is growing by the day, and the reality TV star recently shared a new update on her progress. The star, now going by Jill Dillard, and her husband Derick are 15 weeks into the pregnancy of their first baby. What’s the latest from the TLC lovebirds?
People shares the photos of Jill Dillard and her 15-week baby bump pictures. Jill is showing quite a bit now, as there is no more mistaking whether a baby bump is really there. She says that she can’t believe she’s finally showing, and she feels that it’s been a really exciting time.
As fans know, Jill and Derick Dillard wed in an elaborate event in June, and fans have been anxious to see it play out on-screen this season on 19 Kids & Counting . Though it seems as if the wedding should be happening very soon on the show, it looks like TLC is stretching it out as long as possible.
According to details on upcoming 19 Kids episodes from TV Guide , the October 14 episode is titled “ Wedding Countdown! ” while the October 21 episode is titled “All About Jill.” That episode shows Jill’s bridal shower with some new moms she met through her midwife work. Just when the actual wedding will air has not been revealed by TLC yet, but seems that it can’t be more than a couple more episodes away.
Jill and Derick shared an update with 19 Kids & Counting fans that some saw at the end of the last show and others could see on the show’s site. They talk about Jill’s food cravings, finding out the gender of the baby, and how they’ve both been gaining weight. They share that they think they might be having a girl, but they don’t have any news to share yet.
However, the pair did tease in the video that they have a big announcement to share on October 21. Many are speculating that it could be news that Derick and Jill Dillard are expecting twins. She has been showing quite a bit, many note, though she is also quite petite so it would seem she will show more than some others. Twins run in the family, of course, so 19 Kids fans are definitely hoping that perhaps this is what their big announcement entails.
Whether the big announcement is to reveal the baby’s gender, twins, or simply when their wedding will air on TLC, fans will be tuning in to find out what the news is. Watch Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard inch toward their wedding Tuesday nights on TLC as new episodes of 19 Kids & Counting air.
[Image via ET Online]