Iggy Azalea might be headed for divorce without ever getting married.
The 24-year-old rapper and former boyfriend Maurice Williams lived together in Texas starting in 2008, when Iggy was just 18. They later split, but Williams claimed they were living as man and wife, making their union actually a common law marriage.
In papers filed in Texas, Williams claimed that Iggy Azalea “agreed to be married, holding themselves out as man and wife and began residing together in the State of Texas on or about September, 2008.”
But Iggy denies that they were ever anything more than dating, and sources say the divorce filing is just an attempt to grab at the money Iggy has made since blowing up.
“They only dated for around six months,” a source told the Daily News “This is just another attempt to try and get money from Iggy when she was never married to him.”
The split between Iggy Azalea and Maurice Williams had already turned ugly before the divorce filing. Iggy has accused him of unlawfully releasing some of her earlier tracks. She filed a court complaint to stop the release.
Williams also released what he said was a sex tape of Iggy Azalea. At first, the rapper denied that it was her, but later changed her stance a bit and said it may have been filmed without her knowledge.
A rep for the rapper slammed the divorce filing, saying that Williams was just desperate after failing to “trade on her fame by profiting from music he stole from her.”
“So he has resorted to elevating his predatory relationship with a 17-year-old girl into a sham ‘marriage’ claim unsupported by any certificate or evidence,” a rep told the Daily News .
While Iggy Azalea may be fighting a divorce filing, the rapper is also moving on with her love life. She has been connected to NBA player Nick Young, and there are even rumors that the couple could be headed toward marriage.