Scarlett Johansson’s new advert for Dolce Gabbana has arrived, and it is shamelessly nonsensical.
Let it be said here that I’m not anti-Johansson per se (I liked her a lot in Ghost World and Lost in Translation ), but this ad stinks, and not in a way usually associated with Dolce Gabbana.
The forced delivery is distracting enough, but the dialogue is especially tedious, a 90-second monologue that comes across as cheesy and smug in the extreme.
“I had an Italian boyfriend once. His mother broke up with me,” Scarlett simpers. “Music inspires me. Art inspires me. But so does the wind,” sighs the star of Iron Man 2 . “I like my lips. For kissing. And words that start with the letter M.” And then the cringeworthy, toe-curling zenith: “I’m not an actress. I just play one in the movies.” Groan.
Here’s the ad in its entirety – let us know what you think: