Remember the good old days when Oakland minister Harold Camping proclaimed the end of the world with all of the confidence of a doomsayer, well these days it’s a very different story with the minister using words like ‘probably” and “maybe” when describing this Friday’s end of days.
It looks like the minsters failed May 21 prediction has left him a bit humbled but the 90-year-old “prophet” is still talking end of days, posting on his Family Radio website:
“Oct. 21, that’s coming very shortly, that looks like it will be, at this point, it will be the final end of everything.”
Camping says he reconsidered his calculations after his last end of days prediction failed and now he says:
“We’ve learned that there’s a lot of things we didn’t have quite right.”
Covering his own tracks Camping now says that May 21 was a “tremendous event” that has unleashed a spiritual judgement upon living souls.
During his Oct. 21 prediction Harold Camping said:
“Probably there will be no pain suffered by anyone because of their rebellion against God.
I really am beginning to think as I’ve restudied these matters that there’s going to be no big display of any kind,” Camping said. “The end is going to come very, very quietly.””
So there you have it, we’ll all be dead on Friday, probably.