As of late, the WWE has been the center of attention when it comes to their standards and practices. The Inquisitr reported on its many issues. This includes limited income as exampled by the lackluster performance of the WWE Network , in which WWE couldn’t reach their subscriber goal, resulting in the “spring cleaning” of numerous WWE superstars, officials and even office personnel. They also have international political issues in which the WWE apologized for disrespecting the Russian flag .
However, one of the hottest buttons the WWE has pushed has to be on race. It was reported that Alberto del Rio dealt with racism in the WWE and promised that it would soon be exposed. That came to fruition when Ricardo Rodriguez detailed said racism towards Hispanics, especially when it came from the COO, Triple H . But there is more to what Rodriguez said. Apparently, WWE not only made him quit, but also made him “hate wrestling.”
According to the Examiner , Ricardo Rodriguez explains that he was at his best working alongside Alberto del Rio. As time went by, both Rio and Rodriguez had ideas for their gimmick but the WWE chose to ignore them and split the team (which was over by the WWE fans) up. As a result, Rodriguez was left with nothing and sent him down to NXT, a move which he said hurt his financial situation because most WWE superstars make their money on the house show tour.
Ricardo Rodriguez also said that while down in NXT, he wrestled under a new gimmick known as El Local, a masked wrestler who teamed up with Kalisto to be a pair of high-flying lucha libre wrestlers to compete against The Ascension. However, he was injured against one of the The Ascension members, which he described as “one of the football players,” and was punished for it.
Uproxx also reported on Ricardo Rodriguez with direct quotes from the interview he had with Busted Open Radio, the episode in which he explained his woes, as well as outing Triple H as racist towards Hispanics. In the end, he summarized his feelings towards the WWE in the following statement.
“WWE, in a weird way, made me hate wrestling. So I got very bitter, and I realized I had to stop this, and I realized it was the company. So I woke up and said I am not coming in. I called the office and told them I am not coming in – I want a release.”
Now that you’ve read former WWE star Ricardo Rodriguez’s views on how WWE made him hate wrestling, do you agree with him or disagree with him? What are your opinions about his personal experiences? Please let everyone know in the comments below.
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