If you plan on an extended stay in Uncharted 3 ‘s multiplayer, you’ll probably wind up having to fork over quite a few coins to pay for all of that mutliplayer DLC that’s in the pipeline. Fortunately, Sony’s offering up something that should help out with that.
For $24.99, you’ll be able to purchase a season pass – or, as Sony and Naughty Dog prefer to call it, a “Fortune Hunters’ Club” membership. As is usual for season passes, there’s an incentive beyond convenience for plopping down the cash for this: a discount.
To be more specific, Sony says you’ll save over 45% off on all DLC, which is currently set to include four map packs and three skin packs. If you were to buy them all without the pass, you’d be looking at around $45.
As an additional bonus for your purchase, Sony will be offering up a free, exclusive Fortune Hunters’ Club PlayStation 3 theme. The theme will be awarded to you immediately.
Uncharted 3 is set to release on November 1 in North America, November 2 in Europe exclusively on the PlayStation 3. If you participate in Subway’s ongoing promotion , however, you can get access to the full mutliplayer portion of the game right now.
Source: Sony