Anyone Speak Cat Language? These Two Seem Deep In Conversation, But What Are They Chatting About?

Published on: September 28, 2014 at 11:03 AM

Ever wonder what your cat is talking about when he or she makes the odd variety of meows and growls and clicking sounds that comprise the cat vocabulary? If so, you’ll especially wish this video of what appears to be some kind of interesting conversation between two cats came with subtitles.

What are these two guys saying? They appear to be chatting about the birds that they see out the window. Or maybe, just the weather. In any case, if you’re a cat person, you’ll find this cat conversation both fascinating, and, most likely, highly amusing.

Some cat behaviorists have figured out or think they’ve figured out, certain aspects of cat language . But unlike in this cute cat video, most communication between cats is carried out through body language. Rolling over and exposing the belly are ways that a cat says, “I’m a friend!”

Arching its back, showing teeth — those gestures basically say, “Back off!”

But cats, like the guys in this video, also use a variety of vocal sounds . While meowing is reserved mostly for communicating with human beings — cats don’t “meow” at other cats , various chirping and clicking sounds do have meaning when uttered by one cat to another.

Cats click when they see a bird, though researchers aren’t really sure why. One theory is that a cat is warming up his biting action, anticipating catching the bird and eating it.

But the two cats in this video seem to be clicking at each other — maybe discussing who gets to eat the birds outside first. As if either of these two will ever catch one.

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