Leaked photos reveal a new variant of Stormtrooper appearing in Star Wars: Episode VII and fans are already speculating about what role the metallic “chrome troopers” might play in the upcoming movie.
The images, revealed by Indie Revolver , show an Imperial Stormtrooper with a slightly different helmet design, made all the more striking because it is covered in a layer of metallic chrome. The facial structure of the mask is distinctly different from other Stormtrooper designs that have leaked from the Star Wars: Episode VII set, which The Inquisitr has previously noted. The chrome trooper’s helmet is devoid of any squared tubes, with a connected band across the eyes.
There might be chrome Stormtroopers in #StarWarsEpisodeVII ? CHROMETROOPERS!?! TOO COOL. http://t.co/CO8Ja5FUrd pic.twitter.com/yav3D08efM
— Matt (@Mattr0polis) September 25, 2014
One of the images depicts the chrome trooper wearing a hood, which will not appear in the film, according to Screen Crush . Instead, these Stormtroopers have a metal collar which stands up from their shoulders on either side of the helmet. Indie Revolver goes on to speculate about the chrome troopers’ role in Star Wars: Episode VII , which they qualify is still unconfirmed.
“A couple sources have expressed that the chrome troopers are a private security force for Adam Driver’s character – silver mercenary rent-a-cops rather than true Imperial Forces for Adam Driver’s character. While we’ve not heard this from anyone directly, the most abundant rumor about Driver is that he’s a wealthy aristocrat with an interest in Sith artifacts.”
Another new image of the Chrome Storm Troopers from #StarWarsEpisodeVII /via @IndieRevolver pic.twitter.com/x4HC4NmIsG — Hero Rundown (@HeroRundown) September 25, 2014
The website also asserts that the chrome trooper’s design may harken back to an aesthetic last seen in the Star Wars universe during the prequel films.
“While this production seems eager to distance themselves from the prequel era, of all the films’ props this design shares DNA most closely with the Naboo ships. The chrome finish and elegant curves fit in with that established aesthetic perfectly. Might JJ try to make lemonade out of lemons with Padme’s home planet? Could our Sith-obsessed aristocrat hail from the same planet/society as Vader’s wife?”
Recently, actor Oscar Issac spoke to EW about Episode VII , remarking on a greater use of practical effects by director J.J. Abrams. He stated that there were hundreds of Stormtroopers and extras on set, as well as ships, allowing the cast the ability to interact with the world of Star Wars , rather than relying on digital animation.
Unfortunately, fans will have to wait to see the chrome troopers in action, as Star Wars: Episode VII isn’t in theaters until December 18, 2015.
[Image via Indie Revolver ]