Aishwarya Rai and Shah Rukh Khan could return to the big screen together in an upcoming romantic comedy directed by Rohit Shetty. That’s the latest rumor about the onscreen pairing that heated up Bollywood with their musical performance in 2002’s Shakti: The Power . The pair also appeared together in such notable films as Mohabbatein (2000) and Devdas (2002).
Despite the rumor that Aishwarya Rai could join Shah Rukh Khan in the upcoming Rohit Shetty-directed project, the director was quick to point out that only SRK was confirmed for the rom-com, reported Yahoo! Celebrity India . Rai has not been confirmed.
“So as per the reports, I am doing as many as nine films with Shah Rukh. I’d like to put all rumours to rest and say that only Shah Rukh has been confirmed for my next film. No one else has been roped in as of now. The pre-production for the film has already started and it will go on floors next year.”
So if Shetty himself said that only SRK has been locked into the project, how did the Aishwarya Rai rumors start? Apparently the director was spotted meeting with Rai shortly after casting Khan for the as-yet-untitled project.
Shah Rukh Khan was born Shahrukh Khan, and is commonly called SRK in the media. According to DNA India , his new project could be a remake of Hum, Chalti Ka Num Gaadi or Angoor .
Aishwarya Rai is a 40-year-old Indian actress, model, wife, and mother. When she was 21-years-old, Aishwarya Rai was crowned Miss World 1994 in Sun City, South Africa. She has been married to Abhishek Bachchan since 2007. They have one child together, a daughter named Aaradhya, which is a name that means “worship.”
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Aishwarya Rai’s post-baby body was cruelly criticized after the beautiful wife and mother failed to lose the baby weight immediately upon giving birth. The lovely Indian actress is incredibly attractive at any weight, and many fans were ready to leap to her defense against her harsh critics. One online comment in particular summed up the baby weight controversy nicely.
“She [Aishwarya Rai] is a real woman looking after a baby. We should be concern [ sic ] for her health and happiness especially if she is nursing the baby. Not the Western belief of expecting people in the spot light [ sic ] to lose all [the] weight in [a] month.”
Aishwarya Rai and Shahrukh Khan famously appeared together in an item number (song and dance sequence) in the movie Shakti: The Power , which featured the musical performance “Ishq Kameena.” Do they have the onscreen chemistry necessary for a romantic comedy? Check out their popular 2002 big screen Bollywood performance in the below video, and feel free to leave your comments.
[Image Aishwarya Rai via Beauty Contest Update ]