Round 2 of the Big Brother 16 final Head of Household competition took place Friday night, and fans were dying to get the scoop on how it went. Live feed viewers were left hanging for quite a long time as Derrick Levasseur and Victoria Rafaeli battled it out. What did Big Brother spoilers reveal when the live feeds returned?
As Big Brother Network notes, Big Brother spoilers late Friday night revealed that Derrick beat Victoria in Round 2 of the HOH competition. Though they had even talked about the possibility of her throwing the competition to Derrick, as the BB16 feeds returned she was seen crying. Elsewhere Derrick told Cody Calafiore that he did it, clearly meaning he won. Fans had felt confident that as long as Derrick tried to play hard he would win, but it was a relief to many to see it play out that way.
Buddy TV shares Big Brother spoilers from the feeds that, as expected, this round of the HOH battle was both physical and related to remembering details from this season. Derrick and Victoria had to fly around and put placards on a wall in the order of all the final nominees for each eviction of the season. While apparently they both got it right on the first try, Victoria took about 30 minutes to do it, and Derrick clearly did it much more quickly.
This means that Derrick and Cody will face-off in the final round of the HOH competition. That will be done live on the September 24 Big Brother 16 finale airing on CBS. Derrick and Cody have been closely aligned with one another since BB16 started, and now it looks likely that they will be in the final two together.
Derrick and Cody have promised one another they will stick together and not take Victoria to the end, but will they both stand by that? Many would say that it’s awfully tough to gauge Derrick’s true intentions. He and Cody have been a very strong team, but Victoria is only in the house at this point because Derrick wanted to keep her there, and he has led her to believe he would take her to the finals.
Levasseur surely knows that he would have an easier ride to the money by going up against Victoria, but most lean toward thinking he’ll take Cody if he wins HOH. At the same time, Cody could win that HOH and he will surely take Derrick. Again, he would have an easier time winning against Victoria, but he might have a tough time facing the jury if he were to keep Victoria over Derrick.
Perhaps the last big question at this point is regarding Round 3 of the HOH. Will Derrick try to win? Is he better off letting Cody win and eliminate Victoria, or is that too risky? Even if he does win and eliminate Victoria himself, she will surely still vote for him. Cody knows that he has an uphill battle in securing jury votes against Derrick, but it seems clear he will stick with Derrick over Victoria.
Stay tuned for more Big Brother spoilers as the final three houseguests wait out the final days until the finale and Derrick and Cody prepare for the final HOH round. Who will win Big Brother 16 ? It certainly looks likely that it’ll be Derrick Levasseur, but he’d better not spend that money quite yet.
[Image via Shaw Media]