Domestic violence is a blight on our society and it took years for dealing with it beyond the old “it’s a family matter” mindset and bring it out into the open where finally abusers can be held accountable but it seems that Topeka, Kansas, thinks that it shouldn’t be a criminal matter.
This idea of decriminalizing domestic violence came to light during a recent city council meeting where the city council was trying to figure out ways to balance their city expenditures and the subject regarding this idea was put forth.
The idea came about in the fall out of a decision by the Shawnee Country District Attorney’s office that due to a 10% budgetary cut to the office that the district attorney’s office would no longer be prosecuting misdemeanors, which includes domestic violence.
The YMCA in Topeka said following this decision that some of the survivors of domestic violence were no afraid for their safety.
City leaders, and the district attorney, all agree that domestic violence is wrong and that it shouldn’t be tolerated but the simple fact is that there isn’t enough money to take these types of misdemeanors to trial.
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that one in four women will be a victim of domestic violence in the U.S. and the health related costs of this type of abuse exceeds $5.8 billion a year.
via Think Progress