The United States is facing several problems, but Ritch Workman, a Florida State Legislator, is particularly concerned about dwarf tossing. Florida currently has a ban on dwarf tossing which Workman says is taking jobs away from people of short stature.
Florida decided to ban dwarf tossing on October 1st, 1989. The ban prohibits any business from “undertaking or permitting any contest or promotion or other form of recreational activity involving exploitation endangering the health, safety, and welfare of any person with dwarfism.”
But Ritchman says that this ban simply eliminates money-making opportunities for dwarfs.
Ritchman told the Palm Beach Post:
“I’m on a quest to seek and destroy unnecessary burdens on the freedom and liberties of people. This is an example of Big Brother government… All we really did by passing that law was take away some employment from some little people… I would never force anybody to take this form of employment or pay to watch it. I think it’s repulsive and stupid. But it’s none of the state’s business if somebody wants to do this.”
Ritchman recently filed a bill that would end the ban on dwarf tossing. The Huffington Post reports that Ritchman’s bill would repeal “provisions prohibiting beverage licensees maintaining, owning, or operating certain commercial establishments from allowing the exploitation of persons with dwarfism.”
So what does the dwarf community think of the ban? Does the ban take away their jobs? Or does the ban keep them from being exploited?
In 2001, the Little People of America, a non-profit group which provides support to people of short stature, said that dwarf tossing was an activity where “the person with dwarfism is objectified and dehumanized in the name of ‘entertainment.”
If you’re still a little confused about what dwarf tossing actually is, here’s a video from Youtube.
News Time Palm Beach reports that not all dwarfs agree with the Little People of America. “Dave the Dwarf” filed a lawsuit in 2001, saying that he wanted the ban to be overturned so that he had the same opportunities for employment as everyone else.
What do you think? Should the ban on dwarf tossing be overturned?