Queen Bey is enjoying her time in front on the camera these days, but Beyonce is under fire for another thigh-gap photo that was allegedly Photoshopped.
She has already been criticized for lip-syncing . Now Mrs. Carter is accused of altering another image of her that shows a “sexy” gap between her thighs. Sharp-eyed fans zoomed in to a portion of the image of Beyonce and picked up on some clues that point to an alleged botched Photoshop job, according to a Mirror report.
The image in question of Beyonce’s thigh-gap below shows Bey descending a flight of stairs on a luxury yacht during a celebration of her 33rd birthday. As usual, she puts her best foot forward (no pun intended). But one glimpse at the pic and your eyes focus like a laser onto what appears to be the photographer’s central focus — Bey’s thighs.
Beyonce Tumblr thigh-gap photo
One of the hallmarks of a Photoshop job done poorly is a distortion within the image itself. For example, in Beyonce’s Tumblr photo, if you’re distracted by her smile and haven’t looked yet, study the upper area of her thighs. Enough already; you can pause for a moment now guys.
See anything that’s unusual? Here’s a hint: look at the cross-section of one of the steps. In giving Beyonce the benefit of the doubt, perhaps one step is in need of repair due to weather — you know, the expanding and contracting thing with heat and cool. However, the likely culprit is Beyonce’s thighs were made to look in the spirit of come-hither boy — alluring, if you will.
It’s not the first time the “Flawless” singer was hit with claims of doctoring her photos to look, well, flawless. A few months back, Beyonce posted an image of her appearing to be getting in a few holes in the back-nine. Bey donned a red and white striped retro bikini for the golf course snap. Again, eagle-eyed fans discovered something unusual about the area between Beyonce’s thighs.
Beyonce is arguably among the most alluring women in Hollywood of all-time. However, with the rigors of show business, having babies and getting older, sometimes there is pressure to get one’s groove back. For some, it’s mere fantasy to be 21 and full of fun again. And with today’s technology, there’s always a tendency to bend the rules a little, even if it means bending the laws of physics with faux thigh-gap images.
It’s unknown if the image of Beyonce’s thigh-gap on Tumblr is Photoshopped or the result of a problem uploading the picture to her account. Moreover, one cannot rule out Bey is pregnant from her flat and toned tummy in the image. However, one thing is clear: Mrs. Carter is charming in every sense of the word.
[Image via: Beyonce.com , Tumblr]