Driving while intoxicated is a dangerous and costly thing, and one woman soon found out just how costly a DUI can be.
Renata Congleton, arrested at her home in New Port Richey Friday, had just left school in an attempt to pick up a child. However, the staff at Trinity Elementary School thought she was severely intoxicated and prevented her from leaving with the child.
Congleton, 27, drove away in a reckless manner and struck at least two cars on her way off the school’s property in the child-pickup area. Police were called and notified about the woman’s behavior and that she appeared “ insanely drunk ,” according to a Huffington Post report.
It didn’t take for police long to catch up to the woman — who had miraculously arrived alive and uninjured — at her Florida home, just outside of Tampa.
Pasco County Sheriff’s deputies met with the woman, who clearly appeared inebriated. Renata Congleton was sitting by the entrance to her home at the time, and became belligerent when questioned by police officers.
After several bouts of yelling profanities at investigators, the woman confessed to being involved in two earlier vehicle accidents without stopping, which is required by law. It’s unknown if there were injuries or the drunk driver merely struck unoccupied parked cars.
The woman continued to be combative when officers made attempts to place the handcuffs on and take her in to verify their suspicions. Her behavior led them to believe she was intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle at the school and at the time of the hit-and-run incidents. After some time, Renata Congleton was arrested and taken to a hospital, where her blood alcohol level was tested.
Some sites report the drunk woman “blew” a.413, which suggests she consented to a breathalyzer at the time of her arrest. However, police reports revealed her blood was analyzed instead, likely because Congleton was too combative to have the routine test for intoxication administered.
According to Florida DUI Laws , it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol level of.08 or higher. The woman’s BAC of.413 was five times the legal limit for intoxication.
Although this tale of the drunken driver is newsworthy, there have been other incidents involving arrests in the state, and sadly, a number of them involved loss of life.
Renata Congleton was arrested and charged with neglect of a child, battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting an officer with violence. A judge set her bail at $15,000.
[Image Via Huffington Post]