During the Season 4 Couples Therapy Reunion show that aired on Wednesday night, many viewers were left with the impression that Shayne Lamas was pregnant again. Fans of Shayne and her husband Nik Richie know that they have been through a lot this past year; in February, they lost a baby in an intense medical emergency. Now, however, the couple is clarifying exactly what is going on in their lives. There is a baby on the way, but it’s not quite what the show made it seem.
As RumorFix shares, Nik and Shayne are expecting a baby together. However, the baby is being carried by a surrogate. The new baby will join the couple’s daughter, Press, who is almost 3-years-old. The couple announced their second pregnancy in January, but in February Shayne was hospitalized in what was a frightening medical emergency.
At the time, TMZ reported that Shayne had suffered a miscarriage , needed an emergency hysterectomy, had a cardiac arrest scare, and was in a medically-induced coma for a bit. Later it was revealed that the 20-week-old baby Shayne and Nik lost had been a baby boy, and Nik named him Rex Jagger Lamas-Richie.
In an extended clip of the Couples Therapy Reunion shared by VH1, Shayne and Nik explain more fully exactly what transpired in February. Lamas did not have a miscarriage, she says. Rather, the embryo was not growing where it was supposed to, and eventually her uterus ruptured. That’s when she fainted and called 911. She did end up in a coma, seemingly for about a week, and things were definitely touch-and-go for a while.
Shayne says it’s a miracle she’s even still alive, as what happened was rare and she most certainly could have died. However, she can’t carry another baby. Lamas credits Nik for being her rock throughout the tragedy. Though both Shayne and Nik have had their controversial moments over the years, it’s clear from their Couples Therapy interview that they have become a very strong couple as they worked through these difficult times.
Lamas says that the tools she learned in the Couples Therapy house definitely equipped her to stay strong and not run when things were tough after the tragedy. She says the old her would have run away from it all, but instead she was able to stay and the couple seems stronger than ever. Nik even got emotional as she spoke and had to step away for a moment.
While Couples Therapy tends to be fraught with drama, in the case of this pair it seems that good things have come out of the tough times of the past year. Congratulations to Nik Richie and Shayne Lamas on the baby news, and here’s hoping everything goes smoothly. Season 5 of the show, featuring The Bachelor stars Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell , along with a handful of others, premieres on September 10.
[Image via Us Magazine ]