Criticizing the WWE, Matt Hardy is saying that the writers with WWE creative are doing a poor job and are in fact insulting the WWE Universe. But Hardy’s prescription for fixing the problem may seem a little odd unto itself since he thinks the WWE management should pull out a WWE zombie or two and copy the storytelling mechanics of the hit TV show The Walking Dead .
In a related report by The Inquisitr , TNA reportedly paid Matt Hardy double his normal fee in order to return to wrestling with them.
The critics of the WWE have been very vocal lately. One guy holding a sign at Monday Night RAW was threatened with arrest simply for criticizing the constant barrage of advertisements for the WWE Network “only” being $9.99 per month. But there’s also been a lot of people critiquing the quality, or lack thereof, of the story lines being told on a week to week basis.
Matt Hardy is one of these critics and he took to Twitter to tweet out his thoughts.
“Just flipped on #WWE #RAW.. I’m intrigued by this version of the 4 Horsemen on the Highlight Reel tonight. I love #WWE & respect the company. WWE gave me SO much-But it drives me crazy when they insult viewers by force-feeding them absurd stories. If pro wrestling wants to be taken seriously, it has 2 be presented as fun, yet logical, to the viewer. That goes 4 EVERY wrestling company. TV’s advanced so much in terms of sophisticated storytelling. Wrestling hasn’t &viewers see thru it. I LOVE pro wrestling. In 2014, w/ shows like Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, True Detective etc, wrestling storytelling on TV has gotta step up. i.e. Walking Dead is outrageous fiction, but consistent & has continuity within its parameters.Viewers lose themselves in the WD universe. WD stays in the parameters of it’s created universe, suspending a viewer’s disbelief. Wrestling should strive 2.”
The way the WWE creative team handled suspension of disbelief at WrestleMania 30 had Dave Batista criticizing Vince McMahon recently, saying that more effort should have been made to “sell” the injuries of Daniel Bryan.
“This is what I was bent out of shape about,” Dave Batista said. “I loved the match. I love that we put him over in the best way possible. We threw out all the bells and whistles… everything. Even up to the point of me tapping out. But the next night we came back [for Monday Night RAW] and they didn’t want him selling. It wasn’t his fault…. Which drove me nuts, man, because we beat the hell out of the guy. The guy is being pulled off in a stretcher. He gets off the stretcher and comes back and wins, but somehow mysteriously he’s all healed up the next night. That kind of stuff irks me to no end, man.”
The way the RAW match aftermath was handled could have had a simple solution such as slapping on some bandages or a brace in order to make it appear as if there indeed had been some nasty blows that left an impression. Of course, if the WWE followed Matt Hardy’s advice and mimicked The Walking Dead they would probably say that Daniel Bryan’s injury in real life did him in and he’s come back as a WWE zombie.