Julia Lease recently came home to a surprising notice on her door. According to 10-TV , the 86-year-old woman was reportedly ordered by her landlord to remove her American flag from the front of the Estates at Eden of Whitehall rental property where she has resided for the past 36 years. During a recent interview with the news station, she recounted the incident explaining the Notice of Lease Violation she received on Wednesday, August 20.
She stated that the specified violation was marked as “Other.” The brief description of her alleged violation said, “”Please remove flag from your front porch. Thank you!” No further explanation was given in reference to the order. Lease revealed that she’d hung the flag nearly a month prior to receiving the notice. However, she still doesn’t understand what the problem is.
“This is the flag that’s making this complex look bad,” Lease said in reference to the flag. “It’s detracting from the beauty of everything else. I thought, after all these years, how can they make me take my flag down?” she says. “I can’t see how an American flag can detract from anything.
According to the Columbus Dispatch , the company’s leasing office also has six American flags hanging in the parking lot. So, it would seem the notice is a bit contradictory. However, the leasing company feels otherwise. According to the Associated Press , an attorney representing the leasing company has offered an explanation for the notice. Apparently there is a “no-flags” policy at the Estates at Eden of Whitehall. The policy is actually considered a neutral order in which residents are not allowed to affix anything to the buildings. The policy was reportedly put in place to prohibit individuals from hanging any type of flag or banner that may seem offensive or controversial to others.
However, Lease refused to be denied the right to hang her flag. So, the flag continues to hang. “It means to me that I live in a country worth fighting for,” she said. “It belongs up.”
Do you agree with the “no-flags” policy? Share your thoughts.