Amber Rose turned heads with her VMA dress on Sunday night. As she walked the red carpet with beau Wiz Khalifa, Amber gave everyone quite an eyeful, whether they wanted it or not. The dress that Amber chose was a clear throwback to Rose McGowan, who walked the red carpet with Marilyn Manson in 1998 in a very similar outfit — she even tweeted about her inspiration, thanking McGowan for being a “fabulous trendsetter.” While Amber certainly was more covered up than Rose was over a decade ago, the look still achieved the same goal: It got loads of attention.
Thank u @rosemcgowan for being a fabulous trendsetter u were truly my inspiration tonight
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) August 25, 2014
“With a more traditional halter top and plunging neckline made of the sparkling strands, the dress showed off the beauty’s navel, underwear, and legs with the sparse chains below the bodice.”
Amber Rose’s VMA dress didn’t get too much air time on MTV, likely because her dress was so risque, but it is really all people could talk about after the awards show had aired — and still today. Did you like the dress that Amber chose? Do you think that it was too revealing?
According to The SpreadIt , the barely-there dress worn by the 30-year-old was designed by Laurel DeWitt . While Amber’s dress was extremely revealing — and it pushed the envelope in many ways — it was not as revealing as McGowan’s 1998 look. You can check out the photo below to compare the two dresses (if you even want to call them that).
Hi! It’s me @lindseyweber & I’m excited to livetweet this VMAs preshow. My 1st contribution: Amber ROSE McGowan ?
— Vulture (@vulture) August 25, 2014
Amber Rose walked proudly in her VMA dress, and did not seem to care what people might have been saying about her. She turned heads, yes, and while her name made it on many “worst dressed” lists, Amber felt good about her look overall. In fact, Amber shared several photos of her look on Instagram, all with pretty straight forward captions. For example? “Werk ya mouth and don’t talk” and “No f*cks were given.”
According to The Inquisitr , Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa recently celebrated their 1-year wedding anniversary . The couple — and parents to a son, Bash — seem really happy together. While they might seem like an unlikely pairing, they get along really well — and you know Wiz must have approved of his wife’s VMA outfit.
[Photo courtesy of Amber Rose / Instagram]