Kourtney Kardashian has shared her moving journey on Keeping Up With The Kardashians and during Sunday’s episode, she was still unpacking some boxes. Kourtney and her long-time boyfriend Scott Disick decided to move into a bigger house this season because Kardashian wanted more children. Plus, there was an issue of security for the family.
When Kourtney moved into the house with her family, she was thrilled because the home was her dream home. There was a large kitchen, large living space, and plenty of space for Mason and Penelope to play around. And with a third one on the way, Kourtney’s family needs the extra space. So, the last thing she needs is a mold problem.
According to a new Wetpaint Entertainment report, Kourtney Kardashian has revealed that mold has appeared in the foundation of the home that she has just bought from football legend Keyshawn Johnson. Kardashian is placing the blame on Johnson for not taking care of the home and selling the house to them despite its condition.
But Keyshawn isn’t about to let Kardashian’s claims affect him. Kourtney has revealed that there is dangerous black mold due to some water damage. Of course, a home inspection was conducted before the sale was finalized and Keyshawn says that the home inspector was one that Kourtney picked out. If there really is a mold issue, then she should take it up with the inspector rather than blame the seller.
“There was no water damage to the house I sold to Ms. Kardashian. It is a new home that I built less than 10 years ago,” Keyshawn has said in a statement, showing his innocence in the matter. “It never had any water or mold problems. Prior to sale, the house was thoroughly inspected by excellent, experienced inspectors that they hired. I don’t know what has transpired since they moved into the house but I wish them well.”
This dream home was supposed to be everything that Kourtney had dreamed of. Because she is in the famous trio of Kardashian sisters, she does struggle with privacy and she bought this $8.5 million home to protect her family and get that privacy. “The hardest part is wanting privacy,” she has revealed, according to The Huffington Post . “It’s so nice to just be at home and to not have to deal with the outside world.”
According to The Inquisitr , Kourtney Kardashian doesn’t need any more financial issues at present time. When she was staying in the Hamptons with Scott Disick over the summer, the two were robbed. They lost a briefcase, which contained upwards of $4,000. Hopefully, the mold can be fixed without being too expensive for the family, especially as she is expecting a baby.
Do you think it is fair for Kourtney Kardashian to blame Keyshawn for the house’s mold problem?
[Image via Huffington Post ]