At Least One Of Twenty-Two Jihad Terrorist Training Camps May Be Next Door To You!

Since 2001, people here in the United States have been somewhat informed about terrorist activity within the Middle East. Starting with Al Qaeda, we’ve been supporting our troops to exterminate the terrorist threat over in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries of association. Presently, we are informed about the current terrorists groups such as the Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and of course ISIS. Here on The Inquisitr, we reported numerous times on current terrorist movements. ISIS has been reported to beheading reporter James Foley as well as countless children, while Hamas is in a conflict with Israel.

But what about terrorism here in the United States? It may sound weird to some that the nation with the world’s most powerful military had terrorists slip through customs so they could operate inland. Unfortunately, that is what some news reports are reporting.

Islamic Terrorist Network In America

According to Mad World News, there are twenty-two confirmed terrorist Jihad camps in the United States. They belong to Jamaat ul-Fuqra which is a Pakistan Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda related branch. With the combined efforts of media outlets, including Fox News, it is found out that police officers are working double-time as the militias for the compounds and that the FBI states that their hands are tied in monitoring their activities despite training videos, possible murders, and proof of illegal activities.

In another article by Tea Party Crusaders, the Muslims of America are documented to be connected to terrorism with training inside of the United States. Back in 2002, there was an unsolved murder at one of the compounds in Texas. It was when the Clarion Project obtained the 2007 FBI document detailing the Texas Enclave of the MOA that they found something very frightening, and that is the existence of twenty-two “villages” around the United States with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. The record also explains ten other murders, one disappearance, three fire bombings, one attempted fire bombing, two explosive bombings, and one attempted bombing, within the document:

“The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the U.S. Government. Members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani.”

This is surely a frightening situation for Americans, as well as a threat to our freedoms. What is even more frightening is that the FBI cannot act against this threat because the President and the Department of Homeland Security refuse to classify the MOA as a foreign terrorist organization. PJ Media actually reported on this when they stated:

“Federal Bureau of Investigations documents detailing a 22-site network of terrorist training villages sprawled across the United States. According to the documents, the FBI has been concerned about these facilities for about 12 years, but cannot act against them because the U.S. State Department has not yet declared that their umbrella group, MOA [Muslims of the Americas]/Jamaat ul-Fuqra, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.”

Now that you’ve read the reports on Jihadist being trained in the United States, we want to know what you think? What do you think should be done about this situation? Do you consider the terrorist training within our nation more or less of a threat compared to terrorism overseas? Please let us know what you think in the comments below.

[Images via Bing]

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