A mom and daughter decided to dial 911 after being attacked by their family cat , Cuppy, according to a new report from the New York Daily News .
The news site stated that the mother and daughter, who were not initially named, barricaded themselves into a bedroom and decided to dial 911 after the daughter was attacked when she got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom.
Cuppy reportedly “shredded the younger woman’s nightgown” at around 4 am and then “barred her from walking past.”
The daughter was too frightened by Cuppy’s behavior, so she then woke her mother up and that’s when they decided not to risk it.
More from the Daily News :
“Officers arrived and tried to coax the tomcat out by softly calling his name… The petulant puss finally calmed down, and then wandered out of the property by himself.
“Neighbors said the cat had lived with the family for 14 years — but had always been ‘unpredictable.’
“‘He’s just a ball of fury I guess,’ Karen Yarger told KGTV.
“Chula Vista police said animal control would usually have taken the call, but that there was a big delay overnight.
“It’s not clear what sent Cuppy over the edge, but the family is now reportedly considering euthanizing the cat.”
In the KGTV report alluded to above, Cuppy was described as “unpredictable,” especially when the neighborhood stray cat stalks its yard.
While there have been no further developments on what the mother and daughter plan to do with Cuppy, it didn’t look good for the little guy after the standoff ended.
KGTV said mother and daughter would be “taking him to the vet with a difficult decision to make.”
However, a followup video the next morning found Cuppy peering at the news crews from out of his garage (We say “his garage” because this thing clearly runs the house, and that isn’t a criticism. We wouldn’t want to be clawed up by him either).
The responding officers were said to have been “in the area” and without “high priority calls,” so they were able to swoop in and take the broom that neighbor Yarger brought over, then coax the cat out with a series of “Here kitty, kitty, kitty” prompts.
What wasn’t clear was how they were able to get him into a kennel for the trip to the vet.
Do you think the women deciding to dial 911 was a little overboard? How would you have handled the situation?
[Image via KGTV ]