Reality TV star, Dog the Bounty Hunter, better known to his friends as Duane Chapman, has issued an official ultimatum to MMA fighter, War Machine, who is accused of badly beating well-known porn star Christy Mack.
The violent attack, which left Mack with broken bones, missing teeth and a severely ruptured liver among other injuries, allegedly took place on August 8 when War Machine, A.K.A Jonathan Koppenhaver, arrived at Mack’s apartment.
According to Mack, he arrived, at 2 a.m. on Friday morning and found her with another man. Koppenhaver beat him up and sent him on his way before focusing his violent attention on the porn star.
War Machine is now officially a fugitive and is being sought by the Las Vegas Police department.
“He has beaten me many times before, but never this badly,” Mack told reporters from her hospital bed.
Before he beat her, War Machine allegedly forced Mack to shower in front of him , striking her in the face and pushing a knife against her skin, threatening to rape her.
“I believed I was going to die,” Mack said.
As of now, War Machine is in hiding and there is $10,000 reward in place for information leading to his arrest. The media attention has caused Chapman, Dog the Bounty Hunter, to react. He gave War Machine 24 hours to turn himself in or face the personal wrath of Chapman .
War Machine did show up on Twitter, professing his innocence. Obviously Mack’s is completely different.
“He made me undress and shower in front of him, then dragged me out and beat my face. He pushed the knife into me in some areas such as my hand, ear and head. He told me he was going to rape me, but was disappointed in himself when he could not get hard. After another hit or two, he left me on the floor bleeding and shaking, holding my side from the pain of my rib.”
This isn’t the first time War Machine has been in trouble with the police for assault; he has been imprisoned twice before for the offense.
It remains to be seen whether the police or the Dog Bounty Hunter will get to War Machine first. For his sake it would be better if it were the former and not the latter.