You could only wish your better half was as cool as Elisabeth Redel is for her boyfriend. I mean we have seen the geeky game or science fiction type of thing when it comes to birthday cakes but how many people do you know who could design and put together what has to be the coolest gift yet – a Fallout Monopoly game.
I don’t mean some cardboard and crazy glue type of thing but a game board that has been redesigned to match up exactly with the Fallout game.
The board was printed on a 50 x 50 cm PVC plate. Every street is a location from the Fallout game. “GO” is now “G.O.A.T.” and “free parking” is the “please stand by” screen. Every card has one of the Fallout3 or Fallout New Vegas perks on it and has a really cool old playingcard image on the back.
via Geeks are Sexy
I can’t even come close to describing how cool this all looks so see for yourself from this collection of images taken of the game.