Tyrese Gibson has become known for the profound statements, captivating pictures and hilarious videos that he has posted on his Facebook , Twitter and Instagram profile pages. However, the video that he created and shared early Tuesday morning is perhaps his most memorable and empowering message to date.
After greeting his fans and viewers with a laid back greeting (“Whassup?”), Tyrese started off this five-minute video with yet another profound statement that is sure to grab your attention almost immediately:
“This is the season for new mistakes. This is the season that I’m asking you to look forward to making new mistakes.”
At this point, you are probably asking yourself, “What in the world does THAT mean?” Tyrese Gibson must have expected to confuse a lot of people with that introduction, so he immediately explained the in-depth meaning behind his words:
“It means that if you’re aware of something, somebody, friends, a situation…and then you realize at a certain point that you made a huge mistake and…continue to do the same thing…that means you haven’t learned from it and it’s not painful enough for you to not repeat the same mistakes.”
Tyrese then explains that by committing to this “season” of “new mistakes,” you will “finally be caught off guard because you really didn’t see it, didn’t understand it [and] didn’t know it was going to happen because it was the first time that it’s ever happened to you before.”
The New York Times bestselling author and singer/actor then went on to boldly call out everyone that doing the same thing “over and over again” expecting a different result is “ suicidal ,” “ unhealthy ,” and “ doesn’t benefit the concept of growth .”
In this inspirational and empowering message, Tyrese Gibson reaches the hearts of his listeners by letting them know how much he personally believes in every single one of them:
“I believe in you and I hope that y’all are listening wherever you are in the world. You’ve bumped your head enough. You’ve cried yourself to sleep. You’ve been through enough.”
As any good motivational speaker knows, it is important to conclude an empowering speech with a call-to-action. Tyrese Gibson definitely did not disappoint.
“I want you to decide today (as of this message) that you love yourself enough to not to…recognize pain, problems, issues, dysfunction, signing yourself up for insecurities and then you walk in that direction. You KNOW better and now is the season for you to DO better.”
Tyrese Gibson even encouraged all of the people that “made it to the end of this video” to write down the statement: “ I AM NOW OPEN TO MAKING NEW MISTAKES .”
In conclusion, he encourages everyone to:
“Walk in the direction of peace, integrity, new heights of spirituality, new levels of growth, new understandings, perspective, success, being more fearless, getting away from anything and anybody that’s tearing you down and keeping you in one place. In order to WANT better, you gotta DO better.”
He then asked all listeners to share this video and tag whomever they felt needed to see the video. Keep in mind that this video was originally posted by Tyrese Gibson on Facebook around 2 AM (Eastern Time). As of 8:45 AM, the video has been shared over 5,980 times and has generated over 17,800 likes.
You can read many of the comments that have been shared by fans and followers who were inspired and deeply touched by the message that Tyrese Gibson decided to share on his official Facebook page and watch the full video below:
Perhaps one of the most touching comments on this post addressed directly to Tyrese Gibson was from Kristina Strickland who shared her personal story of loss and pain:
“Dear Tyrese. I’ve watched many of your video posts before. Each had meaning to me but none like this one. My husband of 17 years passed away on 12/31/13 unexpectedly in his sleep. Losing him has hurt so bad that I lost myself in the process of losing him. I am finally coming around to seeing what I was, am and what I want to be in the future. This post is the only one that hit me so hard with the truth I carry in my heart that I cried the entire time. I want to thank you for all you do for the world. You make people think, cry, laugh, smile, take pride in themselves and so much more. You are a good man. May God continue to bless you. Thank you!!!”
Shortly after this message was posted, Tyrese Gibson was compelled to respond directly to it himself with yet another inspirational message:
“God bless you…. You are strength…. I will pray for you cause I know it hasn’t been easy on any level…. My God….. Look for him… He will keep showing up…. Look for him he’s there… In many forms to keep you encouraged….”
With all of the negativity that is overwhelming the news, media and even social media pages, it is absolutely amazing that Tyrese Gibson would take the time to share such a moving message with his fans. Chances are that Tyrese didn’t even expect for this now-viral message to explode as quickly as it did in popularity.
However, Tyrese Gibson teaches us all an important lesson about the power of social media as well – proving that anyone can use their social media profiles and pages to truly have a significant impact on the lives of others. We tip our hats off to you for reminding us of that fact, Tyrese Gibson. Maybe we all will follow your advice and embrace this new “season” in our lives.
{Images Via dailyinsomnia15.blogspot.com and mashable.com]