The war between Israel and Gaza has picked up exponentially over the last three days. We here at The Inquisitr kept readers up-to-date with the situation in which the Arab nations were now attacking the country of God’s people. In response, Israel initiated Operation Protective Edge to protect their people with an iron dome . At times, the best defense is offense and the Israeli Air Force showed what they could do decimating eighty terror targets in Gaza in less than thirty minutes .
If the Hamas thought the might of Israel was unbearable with their airstrikes, their fears are going to increase tenfold as reports show that Israel is calling thousands of troops along the Gaza border. That many troops mean two things. First, it means a beefed-up defense. Second, it could mean attack.
According to an article by CNN , the Israeli ground assault grew among Gaza residents on Thursday. Israel has revealed they amplified their forces by calling 30,000 reservists to their unit. For some the number is staggering, but it makes sense how they can have so many people in reserve. It is mandatory that everyone in Israel serves four years in the Israeli military, with certain exceptions of course. However, the majority of Israelis are military trained. Also, Israel has the third most powerful military in the world, right behind the United States and China.
As for why they have 30,000 people called up, Peter Lerner told CNN the following:
“We are utilizing that force to enable use to create a substantial force around Gaza, that if it is required, we’ll be able to mobilize as soon as possible.”
The Israeli Cabinet actually authorized the military to call up to 40,000 troops if needed. That is 10,000 more than who was called up during Israel’s offensive against Gaza back in November 2012. Also, the fact that only 30,000 troops have been called should be notice that Israel has 10,000 more right behind them. Also, that was just the number the military is allowed to have. If the majority of Israel’s population is military trained, then almost everyone can be called up if need be up to the age of 50.
As for the results up to Friday (Israel’s time), Now The End Begins reports that 350 rockets had been fired at Israel with 90 of them intercepted by Iron Dome. The Israeli Air Force carried out almost 900 airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. Palestinian reports said that at least 90 Palestinians have been killed. Finally, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Israelis to brace for a lengthy conflict resulting in the increased forces at the Gaza border.
[Image via Bing]