Justin Bieber is seen in photos cozying up to a model and a day later Selena Gomez not only goes bra-less in New York City, but also frees her nipple in a Big Apple club. Subtle it ain’t, but the starlet isn’t the first to use body language to send a probable message to an ex-boyfriend.
There’s something reassuringly familiar about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s current, ragingly adolescent social media one-upmanship game.
Selena got real clear about her message to the world and seemingly her former beau while out and about in New York City on Wednesday after her recent cryptic Instagrams .
Just one day after Bieber posted PDA-filled photos of himself with Yovanna Ventura , an 18-year-old fitness model, Selena took to Instagram to deliver a borrowed declaration about not “comparing” herself to other women.
The 21-year-old starlet also went bra-less, putting her cleavage on display while leaving The Bedford restaurant in NYC yesterday, before posting Instagrams of herself with friends at a New York hotspot later that evening – one of which clearly shows Gomez’s nipple.
( Photo via Instagram: Gomez with friends in NYC on July 9, captioned “NY.” )
Maybe. Probably. The “girls” were out, regardless. And they look enhanced to us.
Suffice it to say it looks like Justin Bieber is a breasts guy as well as derrière .
Some of the comments at Gomez’s Instagram page under the “nipple” photo are very to the point.
( Photo via AKI-GSI / Just Jared : Selena out in the Big Apple busting out of her tight, black tank on July 9 .)
( Photo: Gomez having fun in New York City club on July 9, showing Bieber what he may or may not be missing? )
In one Wednesday Instagram, Gomez shared a bite of a recent interview with actress Zoe Saldana who talked about learning a “valuable life lesson.”
The extract read: “The moment you compare yourself [to another woman], it weakens you, and I’m not here for that.”
“Once you know that reality [and] claim your space, your life becomes easier.”
Selena captioned the post,”#zoesaldana #womenempowerment you are all so beautiful the way YOU are. No bigger or smaller. You all inspire me.”
In another pointed message, the actress-singer’s upload read: “Sometime we expect more from others because we’d be willing to do that much for them.”
( Photo: Instagram .)
Is it intended for Bieber or Demi Lovato, who unfollowed Gomez on Twitter last week?
Or someone else?
As we reported yesterday, Gossip Cop recently cited a source as saying there was no huge reunion between Bieber and Gomez. This is despite the twosome’s trips to the zoo, a dinner and movie date and other sightings a few weeks ago.
All of which makes Gomez’s cryptic handwringing in her Tuesday Instagrams more bizarre, and makes Bieber’s hanging out with Ventura, model Chantel Jeffries and others, easier to understand if he and Gomez weren’t actually dating.
In one enigmatic post, Selena mentioned something vaguely as “meant to end.” Another was a video of the Latina theatrically emoting while playing the piano. And in one Instagram that’s drawn a lot of – clearly intended – interest, Gomez posted a screenshot of a text that read:
“I just want to give you a hug and remind you how special you are.”
Was it sent by Bieber?
Does it matter? The Bieber-Gomez relationship narrative is the gift that keeps on giving and media outlets (including this one) will always refer back to their on-again, off-again four-year romance even when they are with other people.
( Photo: Bieber and Gomez, the way they were in 2011 .)
We’ll say this for Justin Bieber: He should stay far away from eggs , but he’s got the ladies – with the exception of Jeffries – behaving exactly as one might expect.
[ Images via Instagram , Shots , X17Online,com , AKI-GSI .]