Illegal immigrant children will soon be rolling into the small town of Vassar, Michigan – many residents are already protesting the anticipated busloads. Wolverine Human Services typically helps poor Michigan children, but is now in the midst of inking a social services contract with the Office of Refugee Resettlement to process 120 male illegal immigrant teens.
Concerned citizens in Vassar converged upon the city hall building Tuesday evening to make sure local officials heard their views on the busloads of illegal immigrants slated to arrive soon. According to Watchdog Wire , the decision by the taxpayer funded social services agency to take on up to 120 illegal immigrant boys age 12 to 17 did not include any public meetings or input from residents.
Vassar resident Tamyra Murray told ABC News that she decided to join the protests because she is concerned that the illegal immigration problem is causing an overload of the system and creating a lack of funds to care for veterans. The Michigan protesters are planning an informational meeting for Thursday night to discuss the arrival of unaccompanied children with their fellow residents and elected officials.
“They’re supposed to care about our best interests over anything and they want to turn it into a sanctuary city, that’s what will happen if they allow that,” Murray added.
Vassar City Manager Brad Barrett said the Wolverine Human Services agency is looking at the housing and caring for the illegal immigrants as a way to provide “an additional revenue stream.” As previously reported by The Inquisitr , President Obama requested $3.7 billion of taxpayer funds to provide services for the massive influx of illegal immigrant children who walked into the United States this year.
U.S. Representative Candice Miller issued the following statement about the arrival of illegal immigrants in Michigan:
“The ongoing humanitarian crisis at our southern border is quickly spreading across our nation as the administration begins transferring these illegal immigrants across our nation, including potentially here to Michigan. In addition, it is imperative that the people being apprehended at the border not be released from custody because if they are, it is very unlikely they will ever return for immigration hearings on their status, and they will disappear into society.”
Michigan State Senator Mike Green told local WNEM News that there is a lot for residents to worry about and a lot for city leaders to consider before agreeing to house several hundred illegal immigrants .
“We don’t know their history. We don’t know if they have diseases. We know nothing. If we had immigration reform, this wouldn’t be an issue.”
The illegal immigration crisis has become a major bone of contention between Democrats and Republicans and many Conservatives are convinced the Obama Administration’s lax immigration policy is responsible for the massive surge of undocumented children flooding America’s southern border. To date, about 50,000 children and young adults have entered the country illegally in 2014, and the federal government expects about 90,000 more unaccompanied children to arrive before 2015.
How would you respond if busloads of illegal immigrants arrived in your town?
[Images Via Bing and]