Most people cringe when their dog begins to vomit, but for one Wisconsin woman it was a joyous occasion. The woman, Lois Matykowski, had given up hope of ever finding her missing wedding ring, she had searched everywhere for the ring and chalked it up to a total loss. There was no sign of the ring for five long years until Lois’ dog Tucker ate a whole popsicle stick which proceeded to dislodge the missing ring from inside the dog’s stomach.
Apparently, the ring had been eaten by the dog some time prior and remained lodged inside the dog’s stomach until the dislodging. Matykowski told CBS News that she was sitting outside with her granddaughter who was eating a popsicle. When Lois turned around she noticed the entire popsicle, stick and all, was gone and Tucker was smacking his jaws. Matykowski didn’t think too much of the incident since Tucker is a notorious “food burglar.” Tucker proceeded to vomit up the popsicle stick in the yard.
Two days later, Tucker was acting sick again. He vomited again, but this time Matykowski was in for a huge surprise as she cleaned up the mess. Matykowski told CBS News :
“I look in the paper towel and here is my wedding ring. I kid you not. My wedding ring was in Tucker’s puke.”
Lois said that the veterinarian told her the it was possible that the ring had remained in Tucker’s stomach the entire five years. The vet says that the act of swallowing the whole popsicle stick could have dislodged the ring from wherever it was stuck inside the dog’s stomach making it able to come back up when the dog became sick.
Matykowski is just happy to have her diamond ring back and is now able to laugh at the whole ordeal. Lois notes that her friends are now hoping for a dog like Tucker:
“Friends have said ‘I want a dog that throws up diamonds.’”
But Lois isn’t mad at Tucker for eating the ring and even calls him her “hero.
“I have my wedding ring back and Tucker is big dog on campus right now. He’s my hero.”
Tucker isn’t the only dog being hailed a hero , The Inquisitr previously reported on a heroic dog alerted parents of a toddler to an abusive babysitter.
What do you think of Tucker’s wedding ring vomit? Would you ever think of looking for your missing wedding ring inside your dog? If you have a missing wedding ring, maybe an x-ray is in order.
[Image Credit: ABC News ]