Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles actress Megan Fox has officially joined Instagram, and she stunned fans when she posted her first selfie without makeup in her bathrobe. The stunning photo had her fans clamoring for more. Fox announced via her Facebook page on July 3 that she would be taking to Instagram under the name @the_native_tiger . On her Instagram account, Megan describes herself as a “Child of the Cherokee Tribe, forest nymph, Lunar Leo mother goddess to 2 bohemian revolutionaries, my kamikaze free spirit & peaceful warrior.”
Shortly after the Facebook announcement, Fox uploaded a first post of an image of a burning fire that said, “Some women are lost in the fire. Some women are built from it.” She then followed the quote with the stunning makeup-free photo seen below.
In just two days, Megan Fox has racked up over 147,000 followers on her Instagram account. The makeup-free first selfie already, as of the time of this posting, hit over 317,000 likes, more than her current follower count.
Her second Instagram photo, that includes a photo of herself, is a photo collage sent out on July 4. The photo features Megan in a floral headband with a skyline view of LA.
The Instagram account comes as a surprise to many fans since Megan is notoriously private with her family life and photos. Megan rarely shares photos of her children with media, and according to E! News , despite her large number of social media followers, Megan says she truly only has one real friend. Fox says:
“I don’t have a ton of female friends—I have one. Her name is Mindy and she’s a facialist. I don’t have many guy friends, either. I’ve never been a social butterfly. I don’t feel lonely or isolated. I have one really great friend and that’s all I need.”
Many Twitter users were stoked to have Megan on board the Instagram train.
So happy that megan fox made an instagram pic.twitter.com/4LftXey1Kl
— heudylishos (@Hoodieliciouz) July 5, 2014
megan fox made an instagram god is real — danielle (@assreguii) July 3, 2014
Megan Fox Proves Her Beauty Isn’t The Result Of Makeup With This Bare-Faced Selfie! http://t.co/mieWGmpeiY
— Samuel F. Lee (@slfepnipl) July 5, 2014
Foto: meganfoxs: Megan Fox has joined Instagram! Go follow her @the_native_tiger. http://t.co/EY96LNVx4I — Blasert (@Blasert) July 5, 2014
Fox also recently made headlines when she shared exclusive photos of her two sons and discussed motherhood saying, “It’s so hard being a working mom!”
What do you think of Megan’s first Instagram photo and her makeup free face?