Justin Bieber had a rager last night. The cops came. Because, of course they did. But wait, there’s more. Guests, photos — and we have suggestions.
Justin Bieber had a party last night in his new Beverly Hills condo complex, so — well — you already know how it ends from the opener.
But, what’s different about this latest twice-police attended rager was the guest list.
Bieber’s penthouse pad played host to several celebrities last night.
These included quarterback Johnny “Football” Manziel, the talented Tyrese Gibson, champ Welterweight boxer Floyd Mayweather , Young Money rapper Tyga, glamour model, Chantel Jeffries and 16-year-old, Vines viral star Nash Grier , and others.
Bieber fans will already be familiar with 21-year-old Jeffries .
She was a passenger in the “Believe” singer’s yellow Lamborghini ride back in January, that ended with a DUI charge and others and is now resolving to a plea deal.
( Photo: Chantel, Manziel, Khalil.)
Returning to Bieber’s party. Naturally, the music dialled all the way up to 11.
The festivities went on to Tuesday morning and brought with it the first visit from the Beverly Hills PD responding to some inconsiderate neighbor wanting the sound turned down so they could — sleep .
E! News confirm cops were called out to to Bieber’s Beverly Hills condo after they received a noise complaint just after 1 am Tuesday.
The outlet added there were “no violations and no one was cited or arrested.”
According to TMZ , police spoke to a nameless person about the music, the volume was duly turned down, and Manziel, Tyrese, Jeffries, Tyga, Mayweather and co. went back to doing whatever it is they were doing.
Which, from a look at social media accounts, involved the non-stop taking of selfies through Bieber’s invested in Shots of Me account.
Not that we’re complaining, we’re nosy like that.
( Photo: via Shots of Me .)
But, the police weren’t done. Another complaint later, cops returned to Justin’s pad because female fans screaming their underdeveloped lungs out in front of the condo.
To inject a note of reason here: Bieber obviously can’t control what fans do. Have you ever tried to tell an obsessive, hormonal, teen girl she can’t see the object of her projection? And clearly some Believers are too selfish to care or realize that their “idol” may get kicked out of his home if police visits over noise become routine.
TMZ notes police have been Bieber’s condominium building before over fans’ noise. Earlier this month, it was reported that:
“The neighbors have already contacted the HOA because of excessive noise and marijuana. And we’re told… cops have been called twice,” over two parties, one allegedly even involved hotboxing.
( Photo: via Shots of Me .)
So far, so frat. It’s likely sooner or later Bieber will realize he better tone it down if he doesn’t want to get moved on. But the fan presence? This is where Justin’s management can step in.
Fans descending on studios is one thing, but disturbing Bieber and his neighbors at home isn’t on.
( Photo: via Shots of Me .)
Before Bieber’s new home situation turns into Calabasas: The Sequel , he and his manager Scooter Braun should open a dialogue with police and neighbors.
If they can find compromises in things such as times for noise, which days of the week, a contact for neighbors within Bieber entourage so they won’t feel they have no other option but to call the police when something needs resolving.
And this bit is crucial: screaming fans outside should be physically removed by police and their parents fined if they return.
Otherwise Bieber may find no decent housing association will let him and his selfie taking, hotboxing, hip-loving crew within a 10 mile radius.
Get on it Braun.
[ Images via Shots of Me .]