The Supreme Court’s decision Monday (June 30) freeing the Hobby Lobby crafts store from having to comply with an Obamacare mandate requiring that it make certain types of birth control available as part of its healthcare plan is drawing a lot of praise from the right and scorn from the the left.
Perhaps one of the most entertaining consequences of the ruling is the sideshow that has been the Twitter feed of one of the media’s most trusted Supreme Court observers, SCOTUSBlog (Supreme Court of the United States Blog).
While we’re sure much of the left understands that there is a difference between SCOTUSBlog and SCOTUS, the people who do not understand the difference were quite comical today as they scolded the news organization for something it did not have anything part in.
Perhaps the most entertaining was SCOTUSBlog’s response to all of the angry tweets directed its way by people who mistakingly thought Associate Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg (age 81), Antonin Scalia (age 78), Anthony Kennedy (age 77), and Stephen Breyer (age 75) were blogging.
The following are a sampling of the tweets and responses from the esteemed SCOTUSBlog to the moronic masses:
#2: read a twitter bio RT @bradleytroth : @SCOTUSblog things a real person can do a corporation can’t: adopt a child.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
Um,… maybe? MT @wdStrickler : @SCOTUSblog established basis for Corporate Caliphate beliefs and incentivizes that behavior thereof
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
Makes going away on summer recess so frustrating RT @akobilarov : @SCOTUSblog destroying our democracy one decision (or today, two) at a time
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
Really? Let’s let twitter decide. Ok? MT @The_Itch : @SCOTUSblog How do I become a justice? Pretty sure I’m smarter than 5 of you.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
This sort of thing just drives you nuts, right? MT @NickNafster79 : Head exploding for when @SCOTUSblog makes insane rulings — SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
Or when bloggers decide the law? MT @alyssaanton: @SCOTUSblog proves democracy cannot work when leaders are appointed instead of elected.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
We put them in closets, dear RT @sufferfest : @SCOTUSblog = Hitler. Keep your black robes out of my vagina! — SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
FTW RT @tory_dube @SCOTUSblog decisions upset so many people & all they are doing on twitter is mocking those people. That’s just disturbing
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
And… scene. Goodnight MT @seanmcdh : was the @SCOTUSblog account hijacked by an angry 14 year old male? wow! So much for “…by the people.”
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
As BuzzFeed said , “Way to make the best of a bad situation, @SCOTUSblog!”
[Image via Flickr Creative Commons ]