Shark Found In Florida Pond? Bull Shark Inhabits Unlikely Place; How He Got There

Published on: June 25, 2014 at 4:25 PM

A bull shark is swimming in a central Florida pond with no way out. He can’t get back to sea because the area is land-locked at a popular park. Wildlife officials are working to capture the shark so he can go back to his regular saltwater habitat.

The shark is at a Indian Harbour Beach freshwater pond . CBS Local in Miami reports that the shark was found in a spot where no seawater, grates, or drains allow for him escape. Moreover, there’s nothing preventing an alligator from entering the pond.

According to the report, the shark may be as large as 4 feet in length. He was discovered in the Florida pond a few weeks ago located in Brevard County, which is south of Cape Canaveral. A wildlife trapper wants to capture the shark so he can release him into the Indian River.

Wildlife trapper, James Dean, tells why the shark is probably in the pond:

“The shark doesn’t belong in this type of water, and we truly believe that somebody did release it in here.”

Dean says it’s unfair to the shark because he can’t get back to ocean waters unless he’s removed and relocated where he belongs. It’s believed that he’s been in the Florida pond about a month.

On Monday, Dean tried catching the shark using a chum and mullet, but nine turtles were caught instead. Dean says:

“I’ve never dealt with something like this. It will be difficult and time consuming. We want to get it out of here.”

Indian Harbour Beach City Manager Mark Ryan says it’s unlikely the shark got where he is on his own. Someone dropped him off there. Authorities are investigating who might be responsible for the shark’s presence in a pond.

Dean tells the news source that sharks adapt to freshwater after inhabiting saltwater, but a safety issue is at stake. Park visitors are cautioned to stay away from the water for now. As Dean puts it:

“It is not a public safety issue as long as the media is putting it out there and people keep their children, their dogs away from the water. This shark is not going to jump out of the water like an alligator does.”

Dean doesn’t know how long it’ll take to catch the shark. He tried Tuesday with no luck and hopes to catch it Wednesday.

Ever since the shark was found in the Florida pond, residents in the area have nicknamed him “Sushi.”

[Image via Commons Wikimedia ]

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