Megan Fox is all the talk in Hollywood due to her role in this summer’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live-action movie. However, with two little boys both under the age of two, Fox is starting to have difficulties balancing her work life with her family life.
Fox’s two boys, Noah, 20 months, and Bodhi, 4 months , were the topic of conversation in Megan’s most recent Parenting Magazine interview. Megan was not shy about expressing the struggles of combining motherhood with work.
“It’s so hard to be a working mom especially when your heart is not in your work, when your heart is with your family. I have to make one movie a year because I have to invest in their future and I have to be able to pay their way through college and be able to provide for them.”
She notes that she specifically seeks out movies that shoot in the Los Angeles area so that she is away from her children for the minimal amount of time. She notes that if a movie is shot in LA, she can be in and out of the production in 10-20 days. However, Fox must also go to events, interviews and promotions for the movies, which take additional time.
She says it is difficult to leave and go work; saying it is total chaos and taking care of two children and ensuring both are getting enough love and attention is hard. She says you have one child and it is hard and then you have another and you just think, “Oh my God my baby is my whole world.”
Though Fox makes her living on the silver screen, she tells Parenting Magazine that she does not allow her sons to watch television, though she does allow movies because they have a clear beginning, middle and end instead of nonstop stimulation. Megan says this adds to the difficulties of parenting because she refuses to allow Noah to just plop down in front of the television. Fox tries to incorporate Noah in her time with Bodhi, but worries that the two don’t get enough individual time.
Earlier last month, Megan stopped by the “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and shared some adorable photos with Ellen. See a photo collage below of Megan’s adorable little guys.
Aside from the conflicts with working and raising children, Megan notes that just having children in general can be demanding.
“I love something so much that I will never be the same again.”
Fox says she is constantly worried something will happen to one of her boys and is always extra cautious to ensure their safety. This is a feeling that most mothers have daily and it can be a struggle.
What parenting struggles do you share with Megan Fox?
[Photo Credit: The Ellen DeGeneres Show]