While the world seems to be more or less amazed at the sight of a black bear enjoying his time relaxing inside a hammock at a Florida man’s backyard , a little Internet research will reveal to you that black bears and bears in general have this thing for hammocks.
Don’t believe us?
Take a look at these videos from all over the globe that show bears doing things in hammocks. Surely, these creatures like the thing. No wonder then that the black bear who ended up in that hammock in Daytona Beach, Florida knew what he was doing. And by the way, that hammock in which the Florida bear was found relaxing has since been removed by the owner , reports The Huffington Post . I wonder what the bears reaction would be when he finds out his favorite hammock gone. Sigh!
Meanwhile, you folks enjoy these videos of bears doing their things in hammocks.
This one is the oldest of the lot, it seems. Uploaded in 2008!
Then there is this one from 2012 that shows a happy family of bears with their lives centered around a hammock
Not just in the wild. Bears are equally comfortable with hammocks when they are in zoos. This video is from the critter cam from The Wildlife Center of Virginia.
Lastly, this one could be the funniest of the lot. Look at the bear cubs playing around with the hammock. This one is from 2011
See? Bears doing things inside hammocks seem to be quite common a phenomenon. Why the fuss then, I wonder!?
In case you want to see something different, watch this video of a bear sitting and eating on a picnic table. The action starts at the 35 second mark in this video.
In case we have missed any other bear in hammock videos, please let us know in the comments below!
[Image via YouTube]