The makings of another Cold War may be in the works if Bill Clinton is correct about Vladimir Putin’s intentions for the world.
In a related report by The Inquisitr , Putin ordered that Russia’s nuclear weapons be tested alongside drills preparing for if a WMD were to ever be used. Russia also claims a CIA plot backed by President Obama is manipulating Ukraine and they’ve already threatened a military response if they believe their interests are at risk:
“If we are attacked, we would certainly respond. If our interests, our legitimate interests, the interests of Russians have been attacked directly, like they were in South Ossetia for example, I do not see any other way but to respond in accordance with international law. Russian citizens being attacked is an attack against the Russian Federation.”
But according to Clinton it’s not the Russian Federation that really concerns Putin, it is the future of the Russian Empire :
“Putin wants to re-establish Russian greatness, not in Cold War terms — in 19th-century-empire terms.”
Hillary Clinton also said something similar not too long:
“I know that [Putin’s] political vision is of a greater Russia. I said when I was still secretary that his goal is to re-Sovietize Russia’s periphery, but in the process he is squandering the potential of such a great nation, the nation of Russia, and threatening instability and even the peace of Europe.”
But Hillary also believes we can learn from the history of World War 2 in regards to the current situation. While Hillary does not believe Putin and Hitler can be directly compared, or claim that Putin starting World War 3, she does make a comparison to how the Nazis used the German minorities in Poland and Czechoslovakia as an excuse to invade:
“Now if this sounds familiar, it’s what Hitler did back in the 30s. All the Germans that were… the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying, ‘They’re not being treated right. I must go and protect my people.’ And that’s what’s gotten everybody so nervous.”
In a similar manner, Russia also already announced that if they believe ethnic Russian citizens of eastern Ukraine are threatened they may use military force as part of “peacekeeping efforts,” an idea that the United States and its Western allies have called an invasion. Just the other day, the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk passed referendums for secession from Ukraine , and now some of the separatist leaders are wanting to be annexed by Russia. In response, Putin has been referring to sections of Ukraine as “Novorussia,” or even “New Russia,” and in recent televised speech he even referred to how former Russian “territories were in Czechoslovakia, parts in Hungary, parts in Austria, parts in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, parts in Poland.”
Do you think Bill Clinton is correct that Vladimir Putin is trying to establish a new Russian Empire? If so, do you think the United States would risk World War 3, or any military confrontation on any scale, with Russia?
[Image via Wikia ]