Nigerian girls praying on video have grabbed the attention of the world. Boko Haram released the video of kidnapped Nigerian girls praying recently, with the terrorist organization’s leader claiming that most of the girls have converted to Islam.
Part of the video is available here:
The terrorist leader, Abubakar Shekau, acknowledged that some of the girls have not converted and have been separated from the Nigerian girls seen praying to Allah, saying:
“The girls that have not accepted Islam, they are now gathered in numbers. And we treat them well the way the prophet treated the infidels he seized.”
Shekau did not specify whether he considers the girls “People of the Book,” as many Muslims consider Christians and Jews to distinguish them from other “infidels,” but the terrorist organization’s history leaves the Nigerian girls’ parents and other people with legitimate concerns for their safety. A Fox News report quoted Shekau saying this about his beliefs regarding what he could do with the Nigerian girls seen praying in the video:
“I don’t follow international law. There are many verses in the Quran that allows the seizing of slaves. Abduction of slaves is allowed.”
Three of the praying Nigerian girls are allowed to speak later in the video. One of them allegedly claims simply to be a Muslim and two claim to have converted to Islam from Christianity, according to a report in the New York Times. The Times translates some of the girls’ comments as follows:
- “Jesus is not the son of God”
- “I will rebel against my parents. I am grateful to God. I have seen the correct path.”
By all accounts, the girls are monotone in their responses and don’t appear to be overly enthused about their alleged conversion from Christianity to Islam. The girls claim on the video that they have not been harmed and that the Boko Haram terrorists are feeding them rice.
The New York Times article also quotes Shekau’s message from an earlier video released last week, expressing surprise at the level of attention the kidnapping of the praying Nigerian girls has garnered from world leaders and celebrities:
“Just because we kidnapped these young girls, you are making noise? You are making so much noise about Chibok, Chibok, Chibok… Western education should end. Girls, you should go and get married.”
What do you think? Have the Nigerian girls praying in the video converted to Islam or are they just doing what they need to in order to survive in the hands of their terrorist captors ?