There’s been much hype and anticipation surrounding the release of Nintendo’s latest Super Smash Bros. 4, out on the Nintendo 3DS this summer and WiiU this fall. Over the coming months, there’s been a slow trickle of teasers, clips, artwork, and new characters, all to build hype over what most hope will be the best Super Smash Bros. yet.
Most recently announced is the addition of Bullet Bill, the newest item to be featured in Super Smash gameplay. Bullet Bill’s been around ever since the first Mario game in 1985; it’s the mean-looking face that chases Mario out of pipes. The enemy item will transform a player’s character into a giant bullet, which will attack its opposition at top speed.
Another big reveal in Super Smash 4 is Sheik as her own separate, independent character from Zelda. She’ll have her own, unique moves in gameplay, different than what we’ve seen in Super Smash Bros Melee . Other characters appearing independently for the first time are Charizard and Zero Suit Samus. Favorites such as Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Kirby are making a return, along with a dozen other familiar faces. To date, Nintendo has revealed 29 playable playable characters. It’s predecessor, Brawl, had 39 characters, so here’s to hoping there’ll be some hidden ones to unlock!
Level layouts mostly only been revealed in stills and quick trailer shots; earlier this week it appeared that one of the levels could have been inspired by Mike Tyson’s classic Punchout , as the photo revealed a large ring similar to the classic arcade game. Players can also attack the arena’s lights and make them fall to the ground, causing explosions to knockout the opponents. Also: if your character can find its way up on top of the lights to stand on them, it makes a perfect hiding space. Sweet!
Looks like there’re a lot of great new features to this latest installation of the Smash Bros series, with many features and secrets still left to be discovered. We’ll find out soon enough when Super Smash Bros 4 comes to the 3DS first this summer for $40 (the Wii U version, out in fall/winter, will be $60). In addition, at next month’s E3 Nintendo will be holding a Super Smash Bros 4 tournament, so we’ll definitely get a look a tons more footage and gameplay then. Nintendo is hoping that Super Smash Bros 4 will draw a larger crowd to the Wii U, which has been hurting in sales compared to its successful competition (Xbox One and Playstation 4). Super Smash Bros has always been a huge hit for Nintendo; so we’ll have to see if this latest installment brings the same fortune.
#SuperSmashBrosNews :Super Smash Bros.4 is the first super smash bros game to be launched on handheld system and in two different versions!
— Tails Prower (@GameFreakxTails) May 13, 2014
Image via YouTube