A great white shark versus an inflatable boat? You would think the film crew recording the video would have considered the threat more seriously, but the crew from MaxAnimal apparently felt like living on wild side.
In a related report by The Inquisitr , the largest great white shark to be tagged off the coast of Australia earned the glorious name Joan of Shark . Instead of culling the numbers of the great white, sharks like Joan of Shark are instead captured in order to surgically install the tagging devices. But what makes Joan of Shark so interesting is that she weighs 1.8 tons and measured more than 16 feet, making her one of the biggest sharks ever to be caught.
This is how the great white shark attack is described:
“A film crew in South Africa got an up close look at a great white shark without entering the water. The MaxAnimal crew was filming when the predator suddenly appeared a few yards away from their rubber boat. Just seconds later, the fish popped its head out of the water and latched onto the boat relentlessly. The crew watched and filmed the attack. They said they managed to make it back to shore safely with the semi-deflated raft staying afloat.”
But some people say the great white shark was not attacking but simply “exploring the boat” for potential prey. While that technical distinction may not matter much to those in the way of those teeth, Christopher Lowe , a white shark expert at Cal State University, says this behavior is not that uncommon:
“No uncommon behavior. But, staying near an adult white shark in an inflatable boat is not a smart move. Expensive rookie mistake!”
Martin Graf owns the Shark Diver company, which specializes in great white shark expeditions at Mexico’s Guadalupe Island, agrees with this assessment:
“I think they had a bait in the water that got the shark close. The vibrations from the engine make it appear alive and the shark is testing it, to see if it is edible. They also bite outboard engines, because of electrolysis that comes from it, for the same reason.”
What do you think of the great white shark attack video?