We all love our cats, and as all cat owners know, the little creatures will find there way into all sorts of odd and inappropriate places . That’s part of what we love about our cats. Their zaniness and unpredictability. You never know where they’re going to turn up.
But let’s face it. There are some places — well, one place in particular that most of would probably rather not have our cats invading our personal space. One of those is — let’s just say when you check out the photos below you’ll see.
Apparently this phenomenon of cats crawling into your pants when the rest of you is, shall we say, otherwise occupied is so common that the internet forum Reddit devotes an entire subforum to it. The name of the subforum, descriptively enough, is “Cats In Pants.”
But what’s truly amazing is how these cats still manage to evoke their magical superpower of cuteness, even in the most inappropriate place. Or do they? See what you think about these 10 cat-in-pants pics. Is this another cute attack? Or is this just weird?
Yes, we’re talking about that place. The one place where even the most cat-friendly among us might appreciate a little privacy. Like these cats care!
If they’re going to invade your personal space anyway, might as well start them early.
So, do you think these cats just really love being around their humans? Or is there something else going on here?
That looks like “ Grumpy Cat in Pants.”
Have we seen this little guy somewhere before?
Okay, so we lied. That was 11 cats-in-pants pics.
So what do you think? Another example of ultimate cuteness? Or just plain awkward?