Tribute Games is probably one of the best companies when it comes to developing games that pay homage to other games. Being the masterminds behind the title, Wizorb , Tribute Games will be bringing a trio of titles to the Playstation Vita . The first game to be featured on the handheld: Mercenary Kings .
According to Destructoid , Mercenary Kings was released for the PC and PS4 originally. However, many fans have screamed for the title to also be released on the Playstation Vita. Tribute Games must have heard the fans both loud and clear because they are just doing that: releasing it on the Playstation Vita. Along with the Playstation Vita release comes cross features too, which includes cross-buy. This means that if someone buys Mercenary Kings for the PS4, they also get it for the Playstation Vita too.
Tribute Games is also planning on porting over two of their other games: Ninja Senki DX and Curses n’ Chaos . The former is an expanded version of the original free game on PC and the latter is also aiming for a Steam release this coming Fall season.
As of now, Mercenary Kings is currently available for free on the Playstation 4 console for Playstation Plus members, as reported by IGN . Also, there is summary about what the game is on their Mercenary Kings game page.
The team behind Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game reunited to develop Mercenary Kings, a gun-toting 2D action game that combines precise platforming action and a compelling crafting system. Accomplish various missions to unfold the story and gather materials dropped by defeated enemies to craft your weapon of choice. Any part of your weapon is customizable, each one altering the effect of your attack. Create an arsenal of weapons either to match your own play style or to match the challenge of a specific mission.
It looks like Mercenary Kings combines elements of Contra , the Metal Slug Series, and the Monster Hunter Series in a very fun 2D side-scrolling military shooter. Honestly, those type of games are a rare gem these days since 3D games are far more prominent.
To view what Mercenary Kings is all about, check out the original trailer for the Playstation 4 below.