Winklevoss Twins Cannot Quit Suing Facebook

Remember yesterday how the Winklevoss twins were going to totally stop suing Facebook and get a job or something?

Psych, Facebook! The whole end of litigation thing lasted literally less than 24 hours, and it’s assumed Cameron and Tyler decided to sleep for eight or so during that period. (Also, the getting a job thing is kind of a non-starter as the two have enough money from suing Facebook that they will never have to work, ever.) The creepy twins are going to continue their fight for more cash, but this time they’re just going at it from a different angle:

This new claim is based on a different legal argument. Last year, instant messages from Zuckerberg emerged online and in media reports that purport to shed new light on the relationship between the Facebook CEO and the Winklevoss twins… The instant messages in question were uncovered by Facebook’s legal team when it searched Zuckerberg’s computer. The trio is asking the Boston federal court to look into claims that Facebook and its lawyers hid instant messages from them during litigation. The argument is that Facebook should have disclosed those communications when the original settlement was put together.

This time, the Winklevictims have to convince the courts that the original settlement should be overturned ‘and’ that Facebook’s legal team violated discovery procedures in suppressing the allegedly incriminating IMs. Given the fact the courts have told the Winklevoss twins in legally binding documents to STFU and get lost already, it does not look likely that outcome will occur.

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