Miranda Lambert, country music’s reigning queen, has announced the highly anticipated follow-up to her smash album Four The Record . Lambert appeared on ABC’s ‘Good Morning America’ today, and announced that Platinum will be released on June 3rd, marking nearly three years since Lambert has released a solo album. Miranda has managed, in that time, to release her group, Pistol Annies, second album Annie Up . Lambert also released the cover art for the new CD today, and it definitely showcases her new, slimmed down physique.Lambert has had more than her share of criticism for her weight, so it seems only fitting that she would show off just a bit, and the cover art does indeed showcase Miranda’s lovely assets.
Hardly a week passes without Lambert or her husband, Blake Shelton, making the news. Amid constant rumors that Shelton is cheating on her, or that they are going to be parents soon, Lambert has held her tongue and stood by her man, preferring to allow her music to do her talking. Lambert and Shelton recently purchased a new home in Nashville , while maintaining homes in Los Angeles, where Shelton films The Voice , and in Oklahoma, where Miranda owns a business called The Pink Pistol. Lambert is also passionate about rescuing animals, and she and Shelton have a house full of her adopted pups.
Lambert’s past albums have been full of angry, gun-toting ladies with revenge on their minds. “Kerosene”, “Gunpowder And Lead”, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” and “Baggage Claim”, which, she has admitted in concert, was about Shelton, written on “One of those days when I wasn’t liking being married”. Lambert and Shelton faced their share of scandal just by getting together; Shelton was married to Kaynette Gern when he and Lambert became an item. Lambert accepted Blake’s engagement ring in May of 2010, four years after Shelton’s divorce was final. Miranda and Blake made it legal on May 14, 2011, in a star-studded but laid back ceremony that saw Lambert wear her mother’s wedding dress.
Lambert has apparently settled into married life nicely, and this new-found calm is reflected on the soon to be released ‘Platinum’. During her appearance on Good Morning America , Lambert confided
“There’s humor on this album, and nostalgia, and it’s feminine. There’s girl power, not in the ‘I’m gonna burn your house down and kill you, but more where I am as a 30-year-old woman and wife. I’m more settled in life, embracing the good and the bad, and that’s all reflected on ‘Platinum.’”
Lambert wrote eight of the sixteen songs on ‘Platinum’, including ‘Something Bad’, co-written with fellow country girl power enthusiast Carrie Underwood.
[Cover Art Courtesy Sony Nashville]