Battleground Texas, a liberal organization supporting Democrat Wendy Davis for governor, stands accused of violating the state’s election law.
In the latest of controversial muckraker James O’Keefe’s undercover videos, a Battleground Texas official appears to admits to copying phone numbers from voter registration forms, a form of data-mining illegal under Texas law. In a previous video, a Battleground Texas operative alluded to forging signatures on absentee ballots. Battleground Texas is an organization founded by former Obama campaign officials with the goal of turning the Lone Star state from red to blue.
Although O’Keefe has his share of detractors for his particular brand of journalism, his Project Veritas team has also exposed the corrupt ACORN organization, other instances of voter fraud and possible fraud in the Obamacare navigator program , and revealed that some outspoken anti-gun journalists declined to post gun-free zone signs outside their own homes. His group also exposed potential abuses in the so-called Obamaphone program .
Wendy Davis has recently gotten into hot water recently for possibly being a fake feminist. Rather than the perception of Davis as a struggling single mom, an article in the Dallas Morning News revealed among other things that she dumped her second husband right after he finished paying off her law school tuition. She also gave up custody of her two kids to her ex so she could pursue her career.
PJMedia summed up the allegations against Battleground Texas:
“James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas captured Battleground Texas organizer Jennifer Langoria admitting that the group uses its voter registration drives as data-mining operations for their political operations. Whatever one thinks of Project Veritas, it did not put words into Battleground Texas’ mouth. ‘So every time we register someone to vote we keep their name and number,’ Langoria says. According to Texas election law, it is unlawful to transcribe, copy, or otherwise record a telephone number furnished on a voter registration application. Battleground Texas has, therefore, been caught in what appears to be election fraud… Davis has allied her campaign to Battleground Texas and its values, even lumping in her fundraising totals with theirs to claim that her campaign is outraising the Republicans. Having made that choice, she has not given herself the option of ignoring the videos showing Battleground Texas advocating forging election documents, and engaging in what appears to be illegal data-gathering activity.”
Battleground Texas has denied the allegations and has insisted that “these claims are utterly without foundation in Texas law.” The group, which says it is in full compliance with state regulations, added that a more detailed response will be forthcoming.
Davis’ likely GOP opponent in the general election once the primaries are out of the way, state Attorney General Greg Abbott (who has some issues with offensive comments by supporter Ted Nugent ), has turned the matter over to the Bexar County, Tex., district attorney as it would be a conflict of interest for his office to investigate.
State senator Ken Paxton, a candidate to replace Abbott as attorney general, wrote in a letter about the Battleground Texas allegations that “… President Obama, his administration, and Battleground Texas have their sights set on the Lone Star State because Texas is an eyesore to the Obama administration because our success stands in complete contrast to Obama’s failed policies. Our regulatory climate is fair and business-friendly. Our part-time legislature lives under the laws it passes. The Texas model proves conservative values and principles work. Where Democratic states like Michigan, California, and Illinois are struggling to keep their heads above water, Texas is thriving… ”
[image credit: Kevin Sutherland]