A birthday invite where a gay couple was supposedly insulted by an anti-gay mom is apparently a fake hoax created by supporters of the LGBT community.
In a related report by The Inquisitr , the birthday invitation for a 7-year-old-girl named Sophia was supposedly sent out by a same-sex gay couple. They were throwing a tie dye party and supposedly the mother of a boy named Tommy responded in this manner:
“Tommy will NOT attend. I do not beleive (sic) in what you do and will not subject my innocent son to your ‘lifestyle.’ I am sorry Sophia has to grow up this way. If you have an issue or need to speak to me: 516-xxx-xxxx.”
The two fathers were upset by this and supposedly decided to share the whole story with the DJs of K-98.3, Steve and Leeana. They spread the news not only via the radio but the story made printed news channels and spread all over Facebook.
But as it turns out the mother named Beth never existed. It’s claimed the two New York-based radio personalities invented the victims entirely and hand-crafted the actual birthday invitation as part of the hoax. Eventually the two printed an apology to the world:
“On Wednesday, we told you the story of Sophia’s birthday party, and one parent’s objection to the same-sex household of Sophia’s parents. We also posted the invitation on our Facebook page, and invited comments from our followers. This story was, in fact, totally fictitious, and created by the two of us. This was done without the knowledge of K-98.3 management or ownership. We were attempting to spur a healthy discourse on a highly passionate topic, but we made a mistake by misleading our listeners into thinking that this specific situation actually existed. We are very sorry that we perpetuated this falsehood, even after it was clear that it had taken on a ‘life of its own.’ We deeply apologize for violating your trust, and we will work hard to regain that trust.”
Some reports have already criticized this apology , claiming it says something about the LGBT community:
“There are no widespread incidents of hate-filled straight people writing hectoring notes to gay people, but it’s getting to be quite the cultural phenomenon that fake ones are made up and put forward to the public as real. It tells you a lot about the gay movement that it feels the need to be seen as victims of hateful antagonists…. So why would you stop at just offending someone’s beliefs? You’re not doing enough harm to them when you do that. You need to also convince the world that these people are spewing raging hate against you at every turn – and if you can’t come up with any real examples of this, then make some up.”
What do you think about the fake birthday invitation?