Ozzy Osbourne is always guaranteed to make the news headlines following a public appearance. And last night’s appearance at the Grammy Awards was no exception!
It is well known that Ozzy has been battling with alcohol for many years, with the latest reports leaning toward the fact that he is back on the wagon. Hmmm, not after his performance at the Grammys, where the Black Sabbath star was visibly drunk.
Ozzy was set the difficult task of introducing none other than the famous Ringo Starr. Ozzy has never had much patience for teleprompters; come to think of it, Ozzy Osbourne has never had much patience for anything, at least when it comes to live television.
After he lost his place on the teleprompter, his band mates Geezer Butler and Tony Lommi both started giggling, and things got just a touch ‘awkward.’ One of them Tweeted: “Ozzy Osbourne = classy wasted,” as the other asked: “ Why is Ozzy permanently drunk ?”
Well it does seem that way, but then again, maybe it’s just a case of Ozzy being Ozzy. An observer at the event came to Ozzy’s defense when he said: “Ozzy Osbourne isn’t drunk, he’s always been like this,” I see his point.
When Ozzy was questioned backstage, he wasn’t shy to admit that he messed up the Ringo Starr intro: “I completely [expletive] it up,” he said .
As if that wasn’t enough to get people’s attention, Ozzy Osbourne went on to speak about singer-songwriter, Taylor Swift. When he was asked about her, he said: “Yes, I am a big fan of Taylor Swift. Who the [expletive] is Taylor Swift?”
Tut, tut, Ozzy, you really don’t know who Taylor Swift is? Perhaps it’s high time to put the bottle down and to start watching some television. Either way, there is no doubt, Ozzy Osbourne always has, and always will have,”a way with words.”