On November 21, 2012, Trooper the dog was dragged down Highway 55 in St. Louis. He was only five months old, and his name was “Vick” at the time. Not really an appropriate name for a pit bull . By the time the driver of the truck was flagged down by another driver, it seemed as if all hope for the puppy was lost.
Miraculously, Trooper survived. The Humane Society of Missouri took him in and his story went national, people from around the globe wrote in to inquire about adopting the dog . Trooper underwent seven surgeries, almost lost a leg and endured 20 different laser procedures.
Trooper soon became an inspiration to animal lovers everywhere. Animal abuse occurs across the world, but the story of the little puppy who survived encouraged people to care. Pit bulls have suffered a great deal in recent history, so the story of such a young innocent puppy being so badly injured and surviving went viral. He even has his own Facebook page and has been featured on Fox and Friends .
The Humane Society had to search through hundreds of applications to adopt the cute puppy, who was over a year old by the time he was ready for adoption. There were a lot of stipulations, like a single pet home, no children preferred, and a previous animal owner. After an extensive search, the right home was found for Trooper.
Greg is a long time pit bull owner who just had to put his 14-year old dog down. He was missing his companion. Then he saw Trooper’s story. He knew he had found his new dog. He applied and was accepted. Now the little puppy who almost died after being dragged behind a truck has a place to call home. He and Greg will continue to share Trooper’s story, hoping to help bring awareness to animal abuse.