After the next season of American Idol ends it’s believed that Ryan Seacrest will leave his $15 million per year job and head for different grounds. Rumors are circulating that the 36-year-old TV/Radio star has begun looking into serving the public, specifically as the future mayor of Los Angeles.
According to his girlfriend Julianne Hough, his “vanilla personal life” would make him a great public servant with no skeletons in his closet.
According to celebrity snitch Janet Charlton:
“Ryan was having dinner at Ago in West Hollywood with some politicians and he was overheard chatting about his ambitions. Another diner listened while Ryan talked about his desire to run for office. ‘The only thing shocking in my past is my school yearbook photo!’ Ryan joked with his dinner companions. He admitted he wants to become mayor of Los Angeles one day…”
Seacrest has begun building quite the business empire, perhaps he actually would make a good mayor. What do you think of “Mayor Seacrest” in Los Angeles?