Taylor Swift is eight year old Laney Brown’s favorite singer. That’s not so unusual as Taylor Swift is the favorite artist of many young girls across the United States. Laney loves to dance and sing along to all of the country music/pop star’s songs. But Laney’s story is a little different from most eight year olds. She’s dying from Leukemia. And doctors say this is probably her last Christmas .
For her last Christmas, she kept her wishes pretty simple. She wanted to meet Taylor Swift before she dies and to be joined by Christmas carolers at her house. The West Reading, Pennsylvania girl was about to get the weekend of a lifetime.
Friday night, Laney’s birthday, she got a surprise call through FaceTime. On the other line was Taylor Swift . All it took was a few minutes out of Swift’s busy schedule. But those few minutes brought an incredible amount of joy to young Laney. And the weekend was just getting started.
Laney, who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia seven months ago, came home from the doctors Thursday with the devastating report. Her body’s cells are now 70 percent cancerous, and she is fading fast. She wanted a nap and to hear some Christmas carols. On Saturday, her wish was fulfilled. And probably bigger than she imagined.
Thousands upon thousands of people began to show up to her West Reading home. Her dance troop was there and even Santa Claus . Too weak to get up and see the spectacle, over 10,000 singers, Laney gave a big thumbs up.
For an hour, the crowd stood there singing. Everyone that was a part of this event came away moved by the experience.
View of crowd outside Laney’s home on Chestnut Street #TeamLaney pic.twitter.com/TAenwMvgQ2
— Laura Newberry (@LauraMNewberry) December 21, 2013
Wonderful news!! Laney got to FaceTime @taylorswift13 today!!! Read about it here: #TeamLaney @TaylorMeetLaney pic.twitter.com/hGYsxTSd9x
— TSwift Updates (@TSwiftLA) December 21, 2013
Hopefully, Taylor Swift’s willingness to be there for an unknown girl in the fight for her life will inspire some others to reach out this Christmas . Maybe even you can fulfill someone’s wish this year.